A good Marketplace in France : Rakuten
This Thursday, 6th June in Paris was held the 9th Rakuten Expo, an annual event organized by one of the e-commerce leaders, Rakuten – who has now a good position in the marketplace in France.
The event is a forum for no less than 400 participants to discuss about the last e-commerce trends. French Office attended to this event, as one of the privileged partners. Here is our feedback on the Rakuten Expo.
The Rakuten Expo Agenda
During the whole day, special guests honoured us for their attendance at the Rakuten Expo. Thus, some speakers took the floor for presentations, and 20 other speakers were leading various workshops during the afternoon.
A hectic morning

Mark HAVILAND, one of the speakers
We were pleased to hear the voice of Rakuten with Fabien VERSAVEAU – CEO Rakuten France and Mark HAVILAND – EVP Global Development and Sustainability Rakuten EMEA. They insist on the famous OMOTENASHI (the spirit of the Japan’s customer service and hospitality). They had also invited Thierry MARX, a starred chef – who was a very convincing witness to speak about the customer service.
All over the morning, the special guests intervened to demonstrate the importance of networking and innovation, through their own fields. The special guest Thierry MARX came on stage to explain the influence of his travels and innovation on his cuisine, to constantly create something new to improve the quality and diversity of proposed cuisine.
Mark HAVILAND and Fabien VERSAVEAU were more focused on the e-commerce side, the impacts of marketplaces in France, and the Rakuten strategy, to develop a specific « ecosystem », about both services and partners.
By the end of the morning, Rakuten held the « Shop of the Year » ceremony, rewarding the best retailers who had the best results on the MarketPlace in France.
An afternoon to broaden the horizons
Rakuten proposed various workshops during the afternoon, with differents themes, such as :
- Customer experience for online shops
- The visibility of an e-commerce shop
- Predictive marketing : How to boost your sales ?
- Rakuten themed workshops
- Technology and Data
- E-commerce logistics
- Online Payments
French Office feedback about the Rakuten Expo
A well of knowledge
Participating to the Rakuten Expo was for us the opportunity to meet our current customers and to develop our relationships with other Rakuten merchants.
When approaching our customers who are e-market players, we try to understand if the services we provide has the correct added-value they are looking for. Being able to discuss face to face with the Rakuten vendors helped us to increase our knowledge about their e-commerce needs. Furthermore, marketplace in France are in constant changes and it’s nice to speak about the successes (or the issues) that the vendors can meet daily. It’s so important to get accurate and live information. The target of the French Office team is always to provide the e-commerce players the best services.
At first, French Office is focused on doing business in a professional way. We aim giving vendors the opportunity to increase their quality and reducing their costs. As a result, participating in some workshops allowed us also to sharpen our strategy about e-commerce. We are constantly challenging ourselves about our services, with added-value we provide. Vendors of marketplace in France are expecting the best services.
So we thank all participants for their feed-backs and discussions !
Business Opportunities

Business meeting with French Office
The major questions were about the customer care. Many overseas companies are not able to treat directly with their customers, because of geographic or langages issues. Then, French Office solution would be to provide resellers on marketplaces in France a real solution for their french customers. Thus, we would provide them services, such as customers return management, incoming calls treatment, or email management.
One constraining point about selling on marketplaces in France is the address that you are displaying on your profile. Many foreign companies that are selling on marketplaces in France do not have a settled address in France. As a result, it can be a problem, for customers return, or even administrative mail. French Office offered these solutions to resellers on marketplaces in France, to improve their brand image and their presence in France.
Overall Experience
On a overall experience, the Rakuten Expo was a great opportunity for French Office. It helped us to grasp the e-commerce market, understanding its mecanisms and operations. Led by one of the leaders of the marketplaces in France, this event enabled French Office to get advices and opportunities from Rakuten vendors and from Rakuten team. In our digital world, it’s also nice to meet the French and European sellers directly.
You can go on the French Office website if you wish to know more about our services : https://www.french-office.com/